How do I change my Beauty Guide?

Changing your Beauty Guide is a quick and easy process. Here are the steps:


If you have a beauty guide linked with your account and you would like to switch to a different consultant: 


1. Sign in to your retail account.

2. After signing into your account, locate at the top of your browser, the portion which says "My Beauty Guide Is: name "

3. Click the Beauty Guide name to proceed to the next screen.

4. At the bottom of the Beauty Guide profile, there is the option to Change Beauty Guide.


If you do not have a beauty guide linked with you account: 


1. Sign in to your retail account.

2. After signing into your account, locate at the top of your browser, the section labeled "Find-A-Guide"

3. A pop-up screen will allow you to search for a beauty guide by name, by zip code or by ID #

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